Studio Closing finally here!
Whew. I am elated, relieved and looking forward to moving in a new direction. I am glad I no longer have to be so political at kinky events. Studio this, studio that. I don't want to discuss your rental next month or how you think I should do this or that. I want to go and fuck just like everyone else.
I have heard stirrings that people are hoping I may change my mind. That is not going to happen. I have considered this for sometime and sorry, it's time for someone with more patience and a fresh outlook to bring it. I am done. Why oh why would I want to give up the glorious title of "public dungeon owner"?
In the last two months the following damage has been done during party/public rentals:
-One framed print given to me for my birthday.
(Damaged both frame and print.)
-One signed and numbered print that was also gift.
(Damage to print and frame)
-One door broken off hinges.
(A door that was not even supposed to be opened.)
-One broken wall candelabra.
(Part of a matching set I bought at an estate sale years ago.)
-One broken table leg.
-One broken night light.
(These are cheap but,how do you break a nighlight anyway?)
-Damage to a wooden bondage chair.
(Someone wrapped chain around it biting the wood.)
-Damage to a bondage table.
(Some inconsiderate slut dug her high heels into the table repeatedly, badly damaging the upholstery.)
-Upholstery damage to a fully restored 1920's operation table.
-Damage to set of custom stainless steel candle holders that look like 3 foot piercing needles. They broke one of the glass pieces without even mentioning it.
This is just what I can think of off the top of my head. Most of those things were not reported to me by the organizers. It is like people do not realize this is a person's artwork and personal belongings they are being loaned/rented. I wanted to give plenty of notice to the local kinky events so they could plan final parties in the space. At this point I really wish I had just closed it and been done.
When damage has been reported it has usually meant my broken property being left on my desk with no explanation, apology or compensation. Just "oh here is your broken stuff, bye!" The damaged prints are worth over $600 unframed. If I list out all the other costs I am sure to get really pissy, so lets just say repairs to some of those pieces will be time consuming and costly.
The cleanliness factor is fucking disgusting as well. A few jewels left for us at recent parties:
- Some idiot pissed inside the humiliation throne in the back room and left it there. I hope whatever dolt did that has since been toilet trained.
-Blood was left dripping down the bathroom wall after one of the last parties. Right below the tissue holder. Nice. That means someone put their drippy, bloody hand over the tissue everyone else would be using. It also means anyone else who went into that bathroom for the remainder of the night saw it and did nothing. It also tells you how thoroughly that bathroom was cleaned by their crew.
-Trash and clothing have been stuffed into a metal sculpture that was originally an altar piece for a huge ritual here three years ago.
-People fucked in a room that was not even a part of their rental on top of a down comforter. It was on loan for overnight guests at the studio. A nice big pile of shitty lube was left in the center for our viewing pleasure. Classy.
-My main ritual altar was desecrated as someone interpreted the polite "Please don't use this case." sign to mean "Please pile random things on top of this sign and case." My altar also houses my snakes.
I could go on but I am certain you get my drift by now. Whatever happened to people leaving a space in better condition than they found it? Why is it that when some people get into a sex space they lose all semblance of manners? I just want to slap the shit out of them and scream "Your mama don't live here bitch, pick up after yourself and stop being such an inconsiderate fucking pig."
That wouldn't be PC but it would bring a smile to my face that might last decades. It is sad and frankly, I am over it.
Time to turn the page.
(Added later: After some reflection I decided people are sure to start calling and asking who/what/when/etc. I would prefer not to get into who did what at which parties. I have no interest in the gossip game. I simply want to vent and explain in a little detail why I have no interest in continuing the space. Those of you who have been respectful know who you are so please don't take offense to this. To the others I invite you to read it once more and make sure it really sunk in.)
Still cranky,
Schpitz out.
I have heard stirrings that people are hoping I may change my mind. That is not going to happen. I have considered this for sometime and sorry, it's time for someone with more patience and a fresh outlook to bring it. I am done. Why oh why would I want to give up the glorious title of "public dungeon owner"?
In the last two months the following damage has been done during party/public rentals:
-One framed print given to me for my birthday.
(Damaged both frame and print.)
-One signed and numbered print that was also gift.
(Damage to print and frame)
-One door broken off hinges.
(A door that was not even supposed to be opened.)
-One broken wall candelabra.
(Part of a matching set I bought at an estate sale years ago.)
-One broken table leg.
-One broken night light.
(These are cheap but,how do you break a nighlight anyway?)
-Damage to a wooden bondage chair.
(Someone wrapped chain around it biting the wood.)
-Damage to a bondage table.
(Some inconsiderate slut dug her high heels into the table repeatedly, badly damaging the upholstery.)
-Upholstery damage to a fully restored 1920's operation table.
-Damage to set of custom stainless steel candle holders that look like 3 foot piercing needles. They broke one of the glass pieces without even mentioning it.
This is just what I can think of off the top of my head. Most of those things were not reported to me by the organizers. It is like people do not realize this is a person's artwork and personal belongings they are being loaned/rented. I wanted to give plenty of notice to the local kinky events so they could plan final parties in the space. At this point I really wish I had just closed it and been done.
When damage has been reported it has usually meant my broken property being left on my desk with no explanation, apology or compensation. Just "oh here is your broken stuff, bye!" The damaged prints are worth over $600 unframed. If I list out all the other costs I am sure to get really pissy, so lets just say repairs to some of those pieces will be time consuming and costly.
The cleanliness factor is fucking disgusting as well. A few jewels left for us at recent parties:
- Some idiot pissed inside the humiliation throne in the back room and left it there. I hope whatever dolt did that has since been toilet trained.
-Blood was left dripping down the bathroom wall after one of the last parties. Right below the tissue holder. Nice. That means someone put their drippy, bloody hand over the tissue everyone else would be using. It also means anyone else who went into that bathroom for the remainder of the night saw it and did nothing. It also tells you how thoroughly that bathroom was cleaned by their crew.
-Trash and clothing have been stuffed into a metal sculpture that was originally an altar piece for a huge ritual here three years ago.
-People fucked in a room that was not even a part of their rental on top of a down comforter. It was on loan for overnight guests at the studio. A nice big pile of shitty lube was left in the center for our viewing pleasure. Classy.
-My main ritual altar was desecrated as someone interpreted the polite "Please don't use this case." sign to mean "Please pile random things on top of this sign and case." My altar also houses my snakes.
I could go on but I am certain you get my drift by now. Whatever happened to people leaving a space in better condition than they found it? Why is it that when some people get into a sex space they lose all semblance of manners? I just want to slap the shit out of them and scream "Your mama don't live here bitch, pick up after yourself and stop being such an inconsiderate fucking pig."
That wouldn't be PC but it would bring a smile to my face that might last decades. It is sad and frankly, I am over it.
Time to turn the page.
(Added later: After some reflection I decided people are sure to start calling and asking who/what/when/etc. I would prefer not to get into who did what at which parties. I have no interest in the gossip game. I simply want to vent and explain in a little detail why I have no interest in continuing the space. Those of you who have been respectful know who you are so please don't take offense to this. To the others I invite you to read it once more and make sure it really sunk in.)
Still cranky,
Schpitz out.
I am happy You got rid from all that trouble.
Thanks Noelle. I appreciate your well wishes and understanding. There has been some pretty ridiculous shit. It has also been an invaluable learning experience and I met some of my closest friends because of the studio. I can't say I regret it, but it's definitly time for something new.
Speaking of which you should come by next time the fabulous Carolina Medina makes a trek, would love to have you over sometime. (She has the nicest things to say about you.)
Here's hoping the three parties we hosted weren't among the frustrations. Honestly, even though we tried our best to clean up and put everything back the way it was, it's impossible to know for sure. We really do appreciate your making the space available. Ar really has enjoyed the Femdom space and plans to keep it going somehow... and you'll certainly be invited. Hope you can make it sometime.
Anyway, sounds good you're finally rid of such headaches. Nobody should have to deal with that crap.
(not sure if you'll ever see this... website's acting funny... just one more try to post....)
p and R,
I didn't even really touch on the basic cleaning after parties and moving of furniture. That could take another post all together. I was talking more about property damage and biohazard stuff. You guy's were great but as I said, I would rather not get into what parties etc. because it doesn't matter. The people who rented here and did not put as much effort into clean up or reporting damage know who they are.
I can't wait to finally make it to one of your parties, I could use a large dose of FemDom energy. I would also like to do dinner sometime soon. Early September slows down for me quite a bit, I'll have kitten drop a note to set something up.
Hello sexy!
Thanks for letting me rent your space before it went away! I'm only sorry I didn't get to play there more! And that I didn't get to play with you!
My dear Mistress Betka:
It is with great regret that I learn you have closed the Studio.
I greatly enjoyed visiting Venom and I recall with tremedous pleasure our one encounter there last year at Saturnalia. It was one of the most exciting scenes I have ever participated in. The half-dozen pictures I have from that night are remarkable in the extreme and I look at them and sigh, thinking of what might have been.
You are a wonderfully sexy Mistress and I wish you the best of luck and all the blessings the Goddess sees fit to bestow upon you. Kisses and hugs and, again, my sincerest thanks and appreciation for letting me attend some of your functions there.
Love, Michelle Rose
Old, I know, but it takes a while to get through the archives, what with you blogging for so long.
As a fellow event organizer, it hurts my heart you had to go through such horrendous treatment of your facilities. :( Too bad they don't make smileys with bared, gritted teeth. >:(
I know that a cardinal rule for all pagan festivals that I attend or help produce is "leave the site better than when you found it". It saddens me that such basic ettiquette isn't followed everywhere. :(
You should come to a pagan camping festival some time. The bdsm crossover populace isn't all that big, so I bet very few people would know who you were. ;) (I wouldn't tell)
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