How to keep 24/7 fresh and kinky...

Friday night Bad Girls (Local women's leather organization)did a discussion on D/s in everyday life. I was unable to attend but it did give me some food for thought.
I have certain rituals and practices I require of my personal servants that remind them of our dynamic. I think the key to keeping things fresh with long term D/s is constant adaptation and evolution. I am consistently implementing new things to keep my pets on their toes and myself entertained.
Kitten is not allowed to sit on the furniture in private. When we go out or eat special meals at home she is allowed to sit at the table. She is constantly curled around my feet reminding her that her place is under me, taking care of my needs. (It also reinforces the foot fetish I have successfully given her.)She must always ask if my needs are met before sitting down to relax.
She is required to wear a collar that is attached to the foot of my bed anytime she is in it. This reminds her even when she is sleeping she is my property. Every time she enters my space she is required to announce herself "It is I slave kitten". This way there is never an unannounced visitor (She has keys.) startling me. Each time she exits she is required to kiss each of my feet on her way out. These simple practices serve as a constant reminder to be humble and appreciative for her position.
It also doesn't hurt my feelings to look down and see a beautiful girl gently pressing her lips to my feet a few times a day. It generally prompts a grope, slap or tickle and some salacious commentary. Other things I do to keep things steamy generally revolve around organic evolution of otherwise mundane duties. I might decide that she should put on a saucy outfit to do the floors or insert a butt plug while she is painting. She never knows what may be required of her and my wicked whims can turn on a dime. This keeps her on her toes.
I had intended to get into a more serious discussion about this but I am busy working on site updates so the more superficial stuff will have to do for now. I will have some exciting developments in the next few days to share.
Until then, stay slick.
i knew kitten is lucky.
Based on my observations, I believe that personal servitude to Domina Betka is both difficult and rewarding. I think that both Domina Betka and kitten are lucky to have found each other. I remember a writeup on the Demonatrix site where kitten described how she met Domina Betka. (I turned that essay into my own little fantasy!) I believe the key words in Domina's post are "constant adaptation and evolution."
lacysissy thank you.
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