Your favorite erotic blogs...

What blogs do you dash to first thing after email in the morning?
When I first decided to start this one I did a lot of research. I looked high and low for people who were delivering the kinky goods. I did not find many sexy blogs that made me want to go back. Unfortunately, most of the sex blogs out there are excuses for affiliate programs and the content shows it. Even some of the ones I see linked everywhere are just a mish mash of online commercials with content that is pulled from other's creativity rather than an original effort.
I am not talking about review sites or blogs that are intended to showcase specific interests and not individuals. I also don't mind when people give recommendations for products or sites they are affiliates for if there is other interesting content. The problem for me is when I am forced to look at flashing felching ads in order to read a 4 sentence paragraph intended to trick me into clicking on an external site.
For those of you who do not work with adult websites, affiliate programs are set up to pay people who advertise your site. When I land on a blog with tons of affiliate banners down both sides and obvious affiliate content through the articles, I feel I have been tricked into watching a commercial. I would much rather they send me to a recommended links section or give me a sexy account of something they did while using the affiliate content to illustrate it or linking to products they may have used for their exploits. There should be a happy medium and people writing about sex should have enough of there own experiences to fill out their posts.
I also found some people who were excellent technical writers but they weren't really giving any juice. Some sex writers are afraid to talk about their own experiences and what moves them. What is that all about? I don't want to just hear about your travel schedule, I want to know why you prefer to fuck woman on top, or how you get your rope to last a few years longer. I try and make this a mix of pertinent technical information and personal essays about my interests and experiences. I am looking for other blogs of a similar nature and I need your help.
I am going to be re-working the links section here. I will be adding some amazing resources from my personal bookmarks and removing any blogs who don't have me linked. I also want to exchange some of the ones I linked to because their ranking was nice for quality erotic blogs written by people who get it. So..Without further ado:
-What blogs trip your trigger? (Why?)
-What makes a blog interesting and sexy for you?
-What turns you off in a blog? (Please do not mention specific sites in response to this question. No need to be catty.)
This is the sexiest blog I have ever read (I wonder how much sexier can become!).
I can't really pinpoint the factor that makes it so, but I guess that the increasing amount of surprise and intimacy that each new post conveys, has played its role.
I 'll try to think it further and I might come up with something more helpful.
Ditto the first comment – Your blog has to be one of the sexist, nastiest, classy sensually blogs I have come across so far…
Mmm… Makes my pussy purr!
What I love in this blog is that the 'individual' part is combined with the informative aspect.
So many things about 'dommeness' given with honesty, professionalism and care.
Ms Betka, thank You for Your inerest to make an even hotter blog for the sake of Your admirers.
I think that blogs are just like places. It is the personalities that inhabit them that make them either bad or good.
This blog is sexy simply because its writer is sexy.
Here's an as rude a comment as an honest one.
Once I come into this blog, I can't help stroking myself instantly.
It feels like it radiates Ms Betka all over my room!
So much sexual energy!
Wow. I am really happy you are all enjoying a nasty peak into my perversions but what are some other blogs you like?
Ms B
Are there other blogs as well?
I'll keep it in mind Ms but as long as You keep updating this one, I can't see how they can really get any chance with me, unless You send me there.
I suspect, from the responses You have received here, that people who frequent this blog do so because of You and not because they are fans of blog sites. That is the case for me. I read Your blog daily. Sometimes several times per day. But, I have never bothered to link to any other blog site.
Here's a few that appear on my friends page at livejournal, which probably have widespread appeal:
For me, personally, almost any advertising at all is a major turn off. That's probably the main reason why all my blogging is via livejournal... no ads. Only blogs that publish RSS feeds or are on livejournal itself make it onto my friends page, which is my little ad-free safe haven for reading.
What makes a blog sexy? Wow, what a question. On one hand, there's the hot subject matter. But there's lots of hot erotic fiction out there, and blogs that seem fictional don't seem to have the impact, at least for me, as ones with a more honest, deeply personal writing style. Few few people share like that, but some do.
My own naught little blog has really suffered lately, mostly from my obsession building art for Burning Man! But now things should start returning to "normal", at least for another 9-10 months :-)
Here are a few of the highlights of my blog reading:
Ditto on that one.
I happen to like this one because it's so beautifully honest and open about her life.
Other two faves (besides Dangerous Femme, of course) are:
I think that erotic writing and humor go hand in hand - especially when it's smart writing like these two.
Also love:
Violet Blue is hot and sexy, but also darn smart about erotica culture.
But DF is always amazing and smart - I really appreciate you as a writer and educator as well as a gorgeous woman.
How was the tiki car? Did you get your 20,000 snow cones served? That was such a brilliant idea. Thanks for the links to new blogs, I really enjoyed what I read of the first one. As for advertising on blogs/sites/etc, I don't mind it as long as it is done tastefully. If you have a site or blog that gets a lot of traffic, the hosting costs can be costly.( I am speaking more about people who host their own content for blog.) Also I don't think it is unreasonable for people who are taking part of their day to educate and entertain a mass of strangers to be compensated in some way. I just do not like being "tricked" if that makes sense. I want the content to be authentic and crafted with some thought, and if there are affiliates, I want them to be hand selected for both quality and relevance.
I am curious what makes a blog seem "fictional". I have had people write me about this one thinking I am making this stuff up because it seems surreal to them. Pretty funny. If I was going to make something up it would be a lot more outrageous than these kinky tales.
I find blogs can sound manufactured if they start waxing poetic in every post about the supreme master/mistress of their universe. Or if a dominant is writing in a way that clearly shows they are a sociopath or have spent way to much time commanding late night yahoo sluts to kneel. I find realism in the small idiosyncrasies people describe about their experiences and relationships. I like a mix of humor, sex, joy, pain, relationship discussions and scene reports when reading about other people’s experiences.
I also read Monk and Matisse's blogs. I enjoy their sense of humors and relaxed authentic views on kink and sexuality. It is refreshing. I would love to see more gory details of their exploits but I am a voyeur, what can I say? ;)
I agree that erotica and humor mix well. I like to see all different ranges of emotion and experience represented when people are discussing sex. Standard "then he touched my quivering... (axe wound)" crap is for the birds. I want to know how people deal with it when they have problems communicating in their poly relationship. I want to hear how long it took the lube to travel from their neck to their crotch rope. And I want to know what it feels like to be so utterly devoted to the person you’re serving. In short, I want it all when I am reading a blog.
Violet Blue is one of my pervy heroes. She is BRILLIANT.
Thanks for the kudos, I'll try and keep it real.
Ms B
I think I just came up with two simple words that express something of my feeling created by Your whole presence as it comes across through Your blog. I call it:
sexual enthusiasm.
Another combo I feel fitting is:
sensual abundance
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