500 strokes with the cane.

"Come over at 10:15 and wear tight pants."
"Yes Your Grace, shall I shave my pussy?"
"Did I say shave your pussy?"
" You did not."
"Ok then, do as you have been instructed."
When she arrived she had no idea she was in for a punishment caning. The tight pants were to keep the marks from lasting too long or splitting the skin on her ass. I had no intention of warming her up.
Last week I inserted some new rituals into our play. Every Sunday she is to set up a time to come over for confession. During that time she will have the opportunity to confess her transgressions for the previous week and what steps have been taken to remedy the situation and be more mindful. I told her I am very busy and it is her responsibility to schedule this each week. If she forgets she will receive 500 cane strokes as soon as I recall our weekly ritual has been skipped. I knew I would have to work hard to ensure she wouldn't enjoy it. I was up for the task and felt no mercy or compassion for her. She was warned clearly. I made a decision when I told her this that if I had to do it, it would be as brutal and humiliating as possible. The little strumpet eroticizes everything so physical punishments must be rather unpleasant psychologically to be effective. (To be perfectly honest , that sort of brutality makes me wet for weeks after. Thanks to the pervy pundits for the concept of R.A.C.K., SSC is so 1994. I would just rather be doing it for fun, it takes a lot out of it when I have to do it to reinforce her training.)
She gets very embarrassed when admitting to wrong doing and carries around guilt that detracts from service. I want to see her able to identify and remedy mistakes without focusing so much on how bad she has been. I decided this ritual based absolution would be not only effective, but highly sexually charged for both of us. She was also given a possibility for reward. It is a modified "communion" that I may share with you at another time. Let's just say she isn't gonna be snacking on the blood of the lamb.
Long story short: She forgot her first confession. Her new school schedule and a few other factors have had her off kilter for awhile now and it was time to set a precedent. When she arrived she had on a pair of spandex pants. Tight, but no cigar, I wanted denim. " Go back home and put on some tight jeans. Make it snappy."
When she returned I quickly hooded her into a leather discipline hood. It is tight with only a mouth hole and two grommets for the nostrils. Next a red ball gag was strapped in as far as I could get it over the hood. She was thrown over the prayer bench at the foot of my bed and locked into steel restraints on her wrists and ankles. Her skin pinched in one of the cuffs and she started to scream. "Stop whining and calm down. You will live." (I am never this callous with her and generally start our scenes in a much sexier fashion.)The skin pinch turned out to be painful but no damage to the surface so I was not going to slow down for her discomfort. She needed to feel my physical authority over my property. She needed to be reminded that this is not a game and things could get very intense for her if I am unhappy.
At this point she knew something bad was coming and started the shallow breathing and hint of tears. "You still haven't figured out what's going on here have you? It seems a certain someone forgot her confession on Sunday night. I told you punishment would be swift and severe. That time is here. I do not care what you have to say for yourself, hence the gag. I do not care if you cry, scream, or shit your pants for that matter. You will not be released until you have received 500 strokes of the cane. There will be no warm up and it does not matter how it feels for you.You will pay your dues and have some dignity about it."
to be continued...
I know. I know. I am a professional tease, remember?
(Oh yea and before you ask, no I did not commit the atrocity in the photo, it's some foreign punishment caning photo I have for inspiration.)
Labels: Kinky Scenes
What a happy coincidence!
It was early in the evening when i was trying to ponder over the idea of a Domme as confessor but my inadequate knowledge could not teach me much. Thank You for the post and i am grateul that in the future You 're going to enlighten us more on the whole concept.
I'm loving these past few entries even more than usual, thank you for going into your training with kitten. Really erotic and inspiring, as I may soon have a slave strumpet of my own, my first.
my lord, i wanted to ask about this yesterday as You had mentioned earlier in the week that it was going to happen.
The little things, it is all about the subatomic level. i hope that i am never in a position where i have made such a transgression, but in the event i do, i am quite sure that punishement will be swift, severe and very educational.
it's always interesting to see how people will use the cane for a punishment. One aspect that is confusing to me is that it seems different people have different idea of what a stroke is. I've experienced some that are just 25 ouchy hits, and then I've experience 6 of someone's best that far out do the other person's 25.
-jason (anothervu if blogger would log him in)
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