To the "necrophiliac" spammer...

I think just about everybody's kink is ok. (Even if you want to pretend the wife is a dead fish.) That being said, I don't appreciate juvenile attempts to drop unrelated websites in the comments here. What did Fanny's post have to do with fucking dead folks?I suggest more time on your content and less bothering people who are not interested.
Nothing like the smell of necro spam in the morning.
Added later:
I was discussing this necro fella with my girl this morning on instant messenger. I get pretty pissy about spam so I was talking a little trash. This is a little snippet of our conversation.
"Maitressebetkaschpitz: how about I kill HIM and then he can go fuck himself
tivakat: hahaha
tivakat: that is funny
tivakat: guess it un PC to post that huh.
Maitressebetkaschpitz: brb
Maitressebetkaschpitz: nevermind, can't figure out how to say it in a funny way
Maitressebetkaschpitz: it sounds too violent
tivakat: just post a picture of a kitten after You say that. it will counteract the violence."
I heart her.
Cuddly kittens to counter my violent streak.
too funny.........
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