Freedom to Fascism

My playdate was fantastic Friday night. I took the girl out for a serious test drive with an hour and a half of pretty intense caning. I cut her tits out of her top and sliced her little velvet shorts up with my dagger. Her head was restrained in a tight harness and her elbows pulled together behind her back. I cinched the hoist up over her head until she was teetering uncomfortably in the bondage.
Her flip flops made the cutest little scratching noise as she ran from my cane. I was relentless with my strokes bringing her to the point of tears several times. I wanted her to understand the depth of plain exploration we could do together. I think she got a nice taste test of what is in store for her. I ended with 27 of my best before strapping her to the medical table. She was fastened in with little room to move and then properly fisted. It was her first time and boy did she ever turn the whore up loud and clear. Wow. She suffered beautifully for me.
Oh. The movie, that's right...
I went to see Freedom to Fascism,it was great. I watch a lot of documentaries and the thing is, they are starting points for your own research. There was a lot of great information in there regarding our civil liberties being peeled away. ( the 800 internment camps being built right now, martial law, Habeas Corpus-Not anymore, NAFTA, New World Order, etc).For those who are unaware that the Federal Reserve is a private bank there is a wealth of information on how a bunch of private bankers hi-jacked our money and likely our gold. It also touched on the New Federal ID card coming into effect in May 2008. You know, the one they want to put RFID into? (Tracking device.)This stuff is happening everyday and it's getting scarier and scarier. People have to start paying more attention to our government than the local "half year sale". Hello, they want you to be in debt and scared so you follow directions. Put down the credit card and pick up the Constitution.
I am really happy Aaron Russo put this film together but I am always cautious about taking things like it at face value. ( Sometimes the propaganda machine works in weird ways.)I have been doing my own research about his claims that the Income Tax is illegal. I have found a lot of info online but I don't want to get too far off our kinky exploits so here is a short list of links to research if your so inclined.
Income Tax: Voluntary or Mandatory?
It's so simple it's ridiculous!
Cheek Vs. United States
( Well Documented Supreme Court Case)
Internment Camp Links
Katherine Albrecht
( A lot of info on RFID chips and why they are so scary.)
If anyone finds other interesting links about this stuff please send it to my email. I don't want to turn this blog into a political debate but I do feel like people should at least look into some of this. They are talking about "checkpoints" for our National ID cards.
Do you have your papers?
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