Rubber Dynasty in the shower...

Here is a pic of Gwen from last night. She was taking a rubber shower and I decided to play creepy photog and spy on her. She looks quite fetching with my shower shot around her neck doesn't she?
I don't understand how people could think gas masks are "overdone". What is up with that? Everytime I slip one over my head I feel an intoxicating sense of perverse pleasure that reminds me of play dates and lovers past. I love the heat your breath generates...the condensation on the lenses...the freaky Darth Vader fuck noises that come out when you breath heavily. It is all just so slick and dirty.
I guess people who do not actually play with or fetishize rubber and breath control don't have the same memory response to draw from when they see someone in a gasmask. Perhaps that is why they believe the images of such things are dated.
Personally, I would rather be slick than hip.
I love them. I have been into gasmask/breath play a long time. Just never "came out" with my kink because of peoples ignorance towards them. Now I see more and more kink going on with them. Love the fogging and the smell. Love to have sex when wearing them!!!.
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