Scariest film of the year

Damn. Jesus is popping up all over the place this week.I got a set of preview tickets for "Jesus Camp" in the mail today.I heard about the film a while ago; It is far more frightening than I had imagined. It is a documentary about kids who attend a camp in the hopes of becoming Evangelical Pastors. It also visits their home life and the political views of their parents.
"There are two kinds of people- those who love Jesus and those who don't." The world can be summed up so easily by fundamentalists. Keep in mind this is being taught to a huge room full of small children. The good pastor is training them to go out and be little "warriors for christ".
This movie should be a wake up call for anyone who doesn't understand we are losing our separation of church and state. The poor children in this movie seem so angry and brainwashed. They are throwing their little hands up in rage as if they are marching off to war. It is pretty telling of what the rest of us are up against if you ask me. (Still cruising for a new country, I think this one is going to capsize into an even scarier police state if something drastic doesn't happen.)
Taken from an interview with "Pastor" Becky Fischer:
A particularly inflammatory scene that heightens the political overtones for viewers takes place at a revival meeting lead by Fischer and her associates, in front of well over 100 children. In the scene, Fischer takes a life-size standup photo of President George W. Bush to the stage, and with a large American flag in the background, asks the crowd to raise their hands towards him in prayer.
Yes, you read that correctly. This "preacher" is making children raise their hands in prayer to the president under the threat of eternal damnation. She believes it is her mandate from "God". Did you notice its the "Kids on Fire" camp held at Devil Lake? Sounds a bit like training for a life of Hell to me.
I am so freaked out, I think I will head over to Divine Interventions and peruse for a bit.
If it helps, about twenty years from now, half of these children will be calling you for advice on where to buy good suspension cuffs or begging you for a sesson because they have to express their strange obsession with feet that makes them feel all dirty.
Sounds like a very intriguing, if horrifying film. I will check it out.
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