NY Dungeons

Hello Pervies,
I need some space recomendations for NY. This will be my first trip to the city so I will just be getting aquainted. Please do not reccomend spaces that are in obscure locations or will require any travel outside of NYC.
I am looking specifically for a space with a decent latex collection and preferably a good selection of medical devices. (I am a rubberist of many years and know how to use, clean and preserve latex. I have references and can provide a deposit if neccisary.)
I have already contacted The NY Collective (By Mistress Leda from Arena)and plan to session there during this trip. They come highly reccomended, seem well equipped and have been very professional.
I would like space reccomendations for private studios. What's your favortie space and why?
For rubber your best bets are DeMask and Gaelyn & Cianfarani. I'm sure you're familiar with the former - their store in NY seems well-stocked - and the latter does more couture.
Purple Passion, which is located near DeMask, might have some medical stuff.
The other house I've heard good things about is Rapture.
Thanks for the shopping reccomendations. I know where to buy rubber, I am looking for play spaces to rent for sessions and photo shoots. Though I hadn't heard of Rapture I will check it out for sure. Please shoot me an email so we can see if our schedules will mesh for lunch or something.
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