Thursday, February 08, 2007

I need a latin translator pronto!

I am getting some ink done today and want to check the Latin. Can anyone out there translate this for me? Pretty please, with lube on top.

"Relaxo quod memor Sua, nos es una."

Please only respond if you speak Latin or have asked someone who actually knows the language. I have already cross referenced several online dictionaries. Thank you!

P.S. I will be leaving here at 10:30 AM to meet with my tattoo artist.

Edited: Rescheduled for the 14th.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Occasional reader popping in to say that I don't think this is right. I haven't done Latin since undergrad, so I'm a little rusty, but I'm honestly not sure what you're getting at with the first clause...I feel like grammatically, it's kind of a mess. Literally, it translates to something along the lines of "I loosen which mindful ours." (Both "memor" and "sua" are adjectives, but I don't see what they're modifying. Potentially one of them could be a nominal adjective, but that still doesn't result in anything that makes sense. If they're meant to be the object of "relaxo," or modifying the object of "relaxo," they need to be in the accusative case.)

As for the second clause - "nos es una" - I assume you're trying to say "we are one," but if so, it's not quite right. "Es" is a second person singular verb - it means "you are." "We are one" would be "nos eramus una," although even this smacks vaguely of translation-ese; that is, I doubt it's a sentence a native speaker of Latin would come up with, even if it is grammatically unobjectionable.

Do you know Catullus? He wrote some scorching-hot love poetry that might be worthy of your skin.

2/8/07, 9:35 PM  
Blogger Betka Schpitz said...

Thanks so much your your input. This is exactly the sort of thing I was afraid of. I am looking for the phrase " Relax and remember Her, We are one."

I have some more time so I think I'll just pay a translator.

Thanks again.

2/8/07, 9:57 PM  

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