Notes on personal slavery.

• Has the ability to problem solve efficiently, effectively and without supervision. These are my major requirements; as well as common sense. It is difficult and time consuming to teach this and I have little patience for bottoms that need constant supervision. Those people do best with a top who enjoys ordering up every little thing in a very precise way. (If I wasn’t busy building a pervy empire, I just might devote the time to such pursuits.)
• I am a “Macro manager” not “Micro”. I prefer to teach a supplicant the way I like things done, and then just be able to say “I’d like dinner at 7” or “Prepare the house for company”. Don’t get me wrong, I want very specific things at times, usually I want to spend my time doing more important things than being bothered with such mundane details. After all, if I was interested in figuring out every last detail I could do it myself.I want them to have the intuition to make a list of my favorite dinners and surprise me with a thoughtful, elegant reminder of how much they enjoy serving me. (I used to have a “house manual”. It was a big book with a list of specific chores, time limits and a map of the house to ensure there are no misunderstandings, my expectations are clear, and I don’t have to baby-sit to get the toilet scrubbed.) I did this in part to be sure clear expectations were set and there was no surprise about how I wanted things done. This made up front communication a snap, the bottom could review a real list of what would be required if they serve me. It enabled a very clear negotiation and cut down on incompatibility issues. I do things a little diferently now but that system served me well for years. I recommend taking the time and effort to make on of these if only for your own benefit. It can be as basic or as detailed as you would like.
• No backtalk. I ABHOR when a servant feels like it is his or her place to shoot off whatever smart ass attempt at being clever that strikes them. (I just want to head butt them in the face, repeatedly, while wearing a Gladiator helmet. Oh wait that’s NOT safe, sane or consensual. I better be careful before they revoke my pervert card.) What on earth would posses a cherished slave, who is well treated to pop off at the mouth like that? It is the fastest way to be removed from service. Depending on the level of disrespect, I send them home immediately or release them from service entirely. I came from a background where respect and manners were prized personality traits. I believe that anyone who has devoted themselves to service needs to do that to the best of their ability.
• I don’t play with S.A.M’s. A “SAM” is a ‘Smarmy Ass Masochist; most people say “smart ass”. I prefer the word smarmy, it reminds me of someone I used to know. You know who you are.) Playing with someone who likes to push at me is draining and the only reward comes from breaking that attitude. That’s not enough at this stage in my life. I enjoy very erotic and interesting games with people who are adult enough to communicate in a concise and truthful way no matter how painful it may be. That is a true sign of strength and I find strong, intelligent bottoms delightful challenging and just plain fucking sexy!
I will add to this a bit later. For now- Thai massage!
(P.S. I found the above drawing online, anyone know the artist? I would love to credit him/her and see more of their work. If you know who it is please let me know.)
The artists name is Mark K. Hollinger.
No personal site for the artist that I can find. (shame that, such nice artwork!)
His work is very hot, thanks so much for the info. I am gonna do some digging. I will let you all know what i come up with.
I did 3hr's of searching on 3 different search engines and could not locate any direct links for his work. If you happen to find any, I'd be ecstatic to see.
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