Castrate rapists? Why yes, that sounds like a fine idea!

Well, so it's not actually castration but I am so amused I can hardly type. Just in time for my birthday, is the 1 year anniversary of the invention of the "Rape Condom". (It was announced August 31, 2005.)It was designed by South African inventor Sonette Ehlers to help put an end to the huge rape/HIV crisis in Africa.
"The device, made of latex and held firm by shafts of sharp barbs, can only be removed from the man through surgery which will alert hospital staff, and ultimately, the police, she said.
It also reduces the chances of a woman falling pregnant or contracting AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases from the attacker by acting in the same way as a female condom."
( The above was taken from this article.)
I think it is about time women were armed with something, and an Anime-worthy cunt full of hooks and barbs seems like a nice temporary solution. Perhaps the idea of pricks coming out with a spiky new friend attached will cut down on date rapes at colleges across the land.
There are those saying its going to piss off the attackers and get the women injured. While that may be true in a small amount of cases, I think most of those cowardly pigs will be sobbing in a corner crying when they realize what has happened to their precious little nub.
I read they are expecting it to be on shelves by the end of the year and it should cost slightly more than a regular condom. It may be worn for up to 24 hours and it is easily and quickly inserted, similar to a tampon.
Donate to the company making them here:
More info:
I would love to hear what you guys think about this, I am still reading up on it.
Crikey! I'm trying to imagine when I myself would wear one, and the thought creeps me out, because it admits into my life and dating style the possibility that I might get raped.
The new improved latex Vagina Dentata?
Don't I already use my teeth?
But in Africa, it may be a positive tool. But is it that the men never get caught or that the courts never prosecute because they don't believe in rape?
I like the idea of the latex Vagina Dentata, I must admit it has been a fetish of mine since seeing Wicked City in high school.
I agree, the device is very bizarre. I am unsure how I feel about it or how effective it will be. I like the idea that people are spending time and effort trying to design products that may keep women from being violated.
I can't wait to see the pharmacy shelves lined with spiked rubbers.
Being into S&M I cannot wait to try this out!
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