"Those damn slutty bisexuals"

At what point is someone bisexual? If a straight boy holds it in his mouth but doesn’t suck it, is he? (I know, I know this is serious business. Bad Betka.) I long for the day when we find more interesting ways to define ourselves than our gender, sexual orientation and race. For now, if ya love the kitty and the cock, your “bi”.
I realized I had sexual fantasies about women from a very early age. I would think almost exclusively of girls when I masturbated. (I find this to be a valuable tool in recognizing and meeting my sexual needs even now.) I was not “out” because I did not see any reason to rock the boat; I knew I was leaving Texas and that I would not be maintaining relationships with the bulk of my family for unrelated reasons. (They are well meaning but closed minded people who have a lot of drama going down. Most of them now know I am pitching for both teams.) It really wasn't their business who I was fucking (fantasizing about) and since I wasn’t having problems adjusting to being a nasty little femme faggot, I thought it better left alone. I never viewed it as “wrong”, though I was intuitive enough to realize my southern mother was not going to be pleased to find out her little angel was indeed, a diesel femme. I felt bad for her and the others like her whose intolerance was obviously a sign of some instability and insecurity elsewhere.
My interest in boys/men was pretty minimal outside of my friends and the occasional androgynous, bad boy who might strike my fancy. I can count the number of male lovers I have had intercourse with on a little more than one hand.( A couple of these were long term fuckfests.) The ladies…I wouldn’t begin to guess. Let’s just say I have pleasured a lot of women in a number of ways. I see many possibilities when I imagine who I might settle down into old age with.
People were really getting into this discussion on the women’s list about bisexuality being good/bad. Apparently bisexuals are viewed as being promiscuous and indecisive, while waiting to bait and switch the poor dykes cruising for ladies. (Hello paranoia.) It is amazing that people can glean so much from someone’s sexual orientation. The amount of assumptions from the same people who have had to work hard to overcome judgment from Hetro-conservatives is astonishing. (What is feminist about breaking other women down for their choices?) They were attacking people’s morals, integrity, motivations and lifestyle based on ignorance and intolerance over their orientation. Hey wait a minute, doesn’t that sound like those fag bashers we don’t like? Just a little food for thought.
In other news, I managed to do something awful to my shoulder and wrist. I get a weird swelling in my right wrist if I have a lot of back to back playing, fucking or S/m. Ms Kim if your listening I need a rub down, and I would do just about anything within reason to get it.
Totally been dealing with this whole "bi" thing for the last year. I identify as a queer open minded woman who is able to find pleasure in any gendered or gendered less being. I can't live with out the pussy but in the last year I've fallen madly in love with a man with mad rope skill. Rope is madly important to me as well. It is totally difficult and realy scary coming out in the dyke community as having a bio male primary but keeping your dyke card. And I think to myself how many dykes do I have to be fucking or even in relationships in order to maintain community approval when I have a bio male primary. RRRRR...It's very frustrating and I don't understand why we can't just be ourselves and lable free and maintain our identity free from judgement from our peers and friends when we do something or someone that lives outside of our box.
Isn't it amazing how complicated people make these things?
Nice post.
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