NY Domina's Beware Dangerous Client
I received a link to this today and thought I should share. It's pigs like him that make stringent screening necessary. These Neanderthals don't realize Mistresses communicate and have networks to inform each other about bad clients.
Best wishes to Mistress Snow for putting this ugly mess behind her. I hope this guy is picked up and sold to a crack pimp for glory hole duty somewhere in a junkie ghetto.
I just put in a call to Mr. 8 so I can sweet talk him into giving us a lesson in take downs. Time to brush up on my pressure points and arm bars.
Here is some more info on this asshole. I am leaving out a couple of specifics but this should be enough to identify him if he writes or calls you from his cell. (Predators take note, your confidentiality goes out the window as soon as you cross the line into physical abuse.)
Name: Brian Borens***n
Age: 31
Email: bborern65**@optonline.net
Phone: 516-2*7-13*2 (mobile)
"He is approx 5'10 to 6' , with black hair and
brown eyes. He was flabby around the midsection, but about 200 lbs. He
looked like he'd been into fights before, because part of his mouth looked
damaged almost like someone who's had a stroke. He requested a session
consisting of extreme nipple torture and smothering with your feet."
This guy has assaulted at least 3 Mistresses and abducted one for three days. He is very dangerous and can flip at any time, even after seeing you for many sessions. His MO varies but is generally triggered by premature ejaculation. (Go figure.) He will do everything from impersonate a police officer to trashing the place or being violent. He also likes to convince women to see him outside of a dungeon.
Don't any of you NY Domme's have a mafia client who can teach this puke some manners? I would love to read he tried this shit with someone who unleashed a killer beast of a bodyguard on him. Oi. The one thing I miss about Texas is the men there know damn well the women are likely armed and trained with a gun.
Some dogs are born bad and need to be put down.
Best wishes to Mistress Snow for putting this ugly mess behind her. I hope this guy is picked up and sold to a crack pimp for glory hole duty somewhere in a junkie ghetto.
I just put in a call to Mr. 8 so I can sweet talk him into giving us a lesson in take downs. Time to brush up on my pressure points and arm bars.
Here is some more info on this asshole. I am leaving out a couple of specifics but this should be enough to identify him if he writes or calls you from his cell. (Predators take note, your confidentiality goes out the window as soon as you cross the line into physical abuse.)
Name: Brian Borens***n
Age: 31
Email: bborern65**@optonline.net
Phone: 516-2*7-13*2 (mobile)
"He is approx 5'10 to 6' , with black hair and
brown eyes. He was flabby around the midsection, but about 200 lbs. He
looked like he'd been into fights before, because part of his mouth looked
damaged almost like someone who's had a stroke. He requested a session
consisting of extreme nipple torture and smothering with your feet."
This guy has assaulted at least 3 Mistresses and abducted one for three days. He is very dangerous and can flip at any time, even after seeing you for many sessions. His MO varies but is generally triggered by premature ejaculation. (Go figure.) He will do everything from impersonate a police officer to trashing the place or being violent. He also likes to convince women to see him outside of a dungeon.
Don't any of you NY Domme's have a mafia client who can teach this puke some manners? I would love to read he tried this shit with someone who unleashed a killer beast of a bodyguard on him. Oi. The one thing I miss about Texas is the men there know damn well the women are likely armed and trained with a gun.
Some dogs are born bad and need to be put down.

I'm passing this info along to as many Pro Dominas as I can. Thanks for putting out more details. I hope this waste of space gets castrated and arrested.
It's terrible Mistress Snow had to go through that, but I'm glad she's ok.
I couldn't agree more. This asshole needs to be dealt with. It's really unfortunate the police let psychopaths like this get away with being abusive towards women in the sex industry as if it comes with the territory. I guess it doesn't matter to them until some Anglo, bridge and tunnel co-ed is harrassed by the bad man. Someone who doesn't "ask for it" by utilizing her sexual power.
It makes me so angry.
Some woman is going to end up seriously injured or murdered by this "minute man" due to the puritanical ideas that law enforcement has around the sex industry.
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