Around the House of Schpitz...

I am out of my funky mood and have the ship running full steam ahead. I have been working diligently to finish some energy work and space clearing at the studio before I head out of town. I added some new draperies and lighting, as well as 2 new altars. It is nice to be able to leave my altars out. They make perfect spots to leave bottoms in extended bondage and add such a beautiful energy to the space. Speaking of, I am working on a new studio website.
I am going to hit the ground running in LA tomorrow night. As soon as I land, we are heading for the Bondage Ball. I am wearing latex on the plane. I love going through the airport in pervy clothes. I wear a jacket so it feels extra dirty, like a latex flasher.
My outburst earlier this week was a result of one bad Kitten. I don't feel like getting into the specifics but basically she has been neglecting her chores and procrastinating. I finally had to clean up a mess she made and that is unacceptable. To make a long story short, I cranked my boot down on her neck and applied some firm pressure.
For starters, she is not allowed to lick my pussy until further notice. She is a cuckolded, femme-bitch who is constantly teased and denied. Pussy worship is her greatest form of sexual pleasure. She may be worshipping panties for a long time.
She is also not allowed to get into my bed. She will be caged on the floor. She has lost her dress up privileges. That probably sounds strange. Let me clarify: When we are heading out to an event, she will no longer be allowed to wear anything but her uniform. This is because she needs to stop being so concerned with her outward appearance and refocus on her duties as my servant. The uniform will be a black spandex, zentai suit. Talk about objectification. She will be a spandex orifice available to cater to my devious whims.(I may even keep her gagged.) I prefer that to slutty eye candy any day of the week. The fact that I love spandex certainy doesn't hurt.
This will free up her energy before and during events. I told her she can let her personality hang out all over the place when she is out with her little friends. When she is with me, her attention should be focused on my needs, not her garter belt.No more wardrobe malfunctions, bad hair days, make-up problems. Just a simple, suited slut for my amusement and use, as a slave should be.
Speaking of amusement, I had her cunt pierced last weekend. I have been planning on lining her lips with heavy gauge rings for some time. I was patiently waiting to do such a heavy modification to be sure she was ready. Our anniversary was the perfect opportunity; It celebrates another modification and my ownership. She is marked with the same symbol that is on my right wrist. It sits in the center of her chest, over her diaphragm. It means many things, but the most significant for me is "the combined spiritual energy of everyone on Earth." I decided that would be a lovely thing to draw on with my dominant hand. (Oops, don't get me started on tattoo talk, I will ramble.) Back to the pussy at hand.
"Be at the studio at 7 PM, I have something planned." I had set up the new fantasy rack in the hallway.

She was not pleased and I was thoroughly amused. I had such plans for her. She hadn't seen my Erocillator yet and I planned to give her an orgasm before the piercer arrived. (I owe Madison Young big, squirting orgasm for that sex tip. That thing deserves it's own post, another time. Ladies, do yourself a favor and go get one now.) My scenes are normally smooth, organic dramatizations of my fantasies. This one had some growing pains. The rack is great, but a little clunky if your adjusting it with someone on it. This caused some unexpected delays in her orgasm. She was trying to mutter something I couldn't make out from under her gag. " I can't hear you, you have a gag in." I chuckled. "Exactly" she sputtered from under the gag. Oops. For future reference: Obstinance is not a good idea when you are gagged and strapped into suspension bondage... in a locked room... with a gleeful sadist. Silly girl.
"Fuck the orgasm. I was going to give you a little pleasure before seeing to it you can't use that little trash can between your legs for awhile. Since you don't know how to show appreciation and make it hot for me, I have other plans. Did you hear me say your not going to be able to use that hole for awhile? Think about that while I get some things ready, you ungrateful little guttersnipe."
I came back and told her to take some deep breaths and relax. I knew we didn't have long, so I walked her through a short breathing exercise and talked softly to calm her down. I assured her that if she did as I asked she would be rewarded, and if she continued to be obstinate and mouth off she would suffer unbelievable consequences. She was sobbing a little but calm after a couple of minutes.
The piercer arrived about 10 minutes later. I had discussed the situation with her so she expected us to be in scene when she arrived. Luckily, she is a player so she was not going to be deter ed by Kitten's meek protests. My slut started begging. " I am not ready, I am not ready." I gently placed my hand over her mouth and asked the piercer to give us a moment. She stepped into the other room.
" This is going to happen. It can happen in a sacred, intentional way or in a more brutal, hot coat hanger, gangster sort of way. I would prefer the first, but I can beat off to the latter, so make your decision now. The time is here. Now take a deep breath and relax, you want this to be a fond memory don't you?"
The actual piercing was quick and almost bloodless. The best part was the noise she made. She sounded like the whore of Babylon getting fist fucked by a gang of succubi. It was delectable. (She is working on a report for my members section, Ill share a snippet here when she is done.)
Now almost a week later they are healing nicely and she is obsessed with her pussy lips. She keeps idly touching herself through her clothes. I am chomping at the bit to get my kinky hands on them. I can not wait to make use of such a stunning set of bondage points. It is good to be queen. ( Of my pervy little castle atleast.)
Time to start my day.
great post Betka
you know how to make the holidays all that much extra special ^_^
Love the text. I underestimate your "Dom" ness.
How is it possible someone who knew me back in my "Mama" days would underestimate my dominance? I believe we both had our followers back then, now it's just a little more sophisticated and a lot more consensual. I can't count how many boys I convinced to do filthy things for my amusement. That is the dark side of the retro-rave culture... sexual predators disguising themselves as fun loving high school girls.
Email me, I have lost your regular email and try and stay far, far away from Myspace.
Wow, that description of your new course of action with Kitten was extremely hot. Everything from the uniform to the cage really got to me. Makes me feel as if me true calling might as such a slave, although for now it's probably just a very pleasing fantasy.
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