I must have been naughty...
Last night I was a naughty elf for a queer night in town called Booty. They had me in a little white trash corner with "Pornaments" strung about. These were chains made of cut up porn mags. Pretty funny. People were supposed to come have their picture taken with "Mrs. Claws". I decided as a diesel femme the likely hood of me settling down with old St. Nick is slim to none. I opted for a kinky elf ensemble instead. I did bring Santa though...
He was stripped down to red long johns, black boots and a "Secretary" style yoke. I decided to entertain myself by kicking Santa in the balls. Picture it: a six foot tall dominatrix wearing huge candy canes on her head, and blasting Santa's nuts with glee. Those 'nilla queers didn't know what to think but the dykes sure did giggle. Who doesn't want to see Santa drop kicked in the balls? (Only a spoiled sport thats who.)
I was screaming "Happy Solstice!" "Where are my fucking reindeer Santa?" "I told you if you didn't bring me diamonds this would happen!" Spanks joined in the fun by taking turns busting his nuts. Between her pointy little oxfords and my stomper boots he was squealing like a prison virgin after lights out. Good times. I forgot, we were also whacking him with candy canes. He was getting double caned on the cock and balls with 3 foot long plastic candy canes!
There is photo evidence floating around somewhere, I'll share if they turn out. It was dark and we were drinkin and rebel rousing so who knows.I am gonna get my Ipod loaded for the extended corporal session I will be doing later. I have a boy being sent in by his Mistress for a brutal caning.
I love the holidays.
Sound like it was the evening was a real kick! I wish I had been there.
My hot sub for the eve and I went on and on about how hot you looked. We were laughing ourselves sick watching you and Spanks take Mr. Claus down a few notches. "Come on Santa! Ride my foot Santa!" Of course I didn't get any sleep. I was too busy giving multiple orgasms. I'm such a giving kind of guy.
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