Thursday, May 24, 2007

Random thoughts...

Trying to wake up from this materialistic haze of chaos is a very involved process and coming up with something witty and entertaining to write here has been low on my priority list. I have a lot of valuable information to share that is not directly related to BDSM and I have struggled with whether I should. I should. Those of you who are just here to jerk it might want to find a new source of entertainment...

A huge shift happened for me a few months ago when I realized I had let myself get caught in the "time trap". We spend so much of our lives in modern times preparing for the future, responding to the past and processing fear based misinformation that we have forgotten who and what we are. We are convinced that we know how the universe works because of some simple observations and scientific hypothesis.

What happened to following our instincts and intuition? Are we really so disconnected from ourselves that we have forgotten how to breathe? We drink our water from plastic bottles. Think about that for a moment... How come it is not priority number one that we are able to drink the water from our natural sources again? Of course it is all about the money, but that fact that people are more concerned about how to get a new pair of sexy shoes or golf clubs than what is in their food and water is our first clue something is rotten. If we are so advanced and intelligent why is it that we do not understand that loud of a call to arms? We are being putrefied by greed and material distractions. Is our convenience truly worth the inevitable outcome?

I have come to some amazing revelations in my recent meditations. My sex work and lifelong fascination with chastity, bondage, heavy S/m and sensory deprivation are now crystal clear. I am at my best when I am living fully in the moment and these activities all help me teach others how to do so. (It certainly doesn't hurt that they look particularly saucy dangling from my ropes.) In those short moments we are both able to experience a glimpse of what it is like to exist on intuition and energy exchange exclusively.

Chastity has always held a very deep and special place in my sexuality and now that path has also been illuminated. Our sexual seed is such an important part of our enlightenment and development that it is absolutely criminal that ancient wisdom regarding its importance has been trivialized and perverted. I will compose an article at some point in the future with my observations. If you are just dying to know what I am talking about do some research into Hindu ideas regarding sexuality and Kabbalistic studies around sex magic.

One thing I had not anticipated when I began this expedited self actualization was the opposition I might find from long term friends and associates. I understand that the sudden drastic change in my behavior and goals could be unsettling. Not really though...I have always been a creature of constant evolution with no fear of change. We should welcome change as an easy, natural progression of life. I realized that most of the opposition was coming from people concerned with how my life changes might affect their own. That is incredibly selfish but it is a common way we relate to each other. Another sure sign there is come thing seriously wrong with our culture.

It is time for people to wake up and I intend to do everything in my power to help. If you have enjoyed the light sexy banter in the past I hope you will stick around a little while longer...It is going to be one hell of a summer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Betka,

i've been following Your blog for some time and being a submissive who has just discovered the possibility of an RT relationship, i must say that Your words have awaken these thoughts in me as well. my Mistress and i are some kilometers away but hoping to meet soon. Shes enjoyed Your site a lot, too. Thanks for developing that side of my Mistress and thanks for Your words on following our intuition. All the best, fab.

5/24/07, 7:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It is time to wake up indeed.
Thank You for posting about this Your Grace.
The state of our planet is definitely "emergency", BEYOND a healing crisis, but the media won't tell the people what is really going on. The overwhelming majority of the media is owned by 6 major corporations that are puppets to the government. Oh and how FEMA has the ability to override the constitution in the blink of an eye. How's that for scary?
This nation is currently nothing like what the founding fathers had in mind. It's downright terrifying when you really think about how many people don't even remember what a real, organic strawberry tastes like and that a lot of kids will never get to swim in clean freshwater. And the thoughtless violence and selfishness is too much to think about, so we carry on with our repeated daily tasks and ignore the fact that things are falling apart before our eyes.
Globalization... it's killing us, and at the current rate of destruction the poor won't be the only ones feeling this for long.
It's not easy to make lifestyle changes, but it has to be done. We need to refocus and stop letting corporations do all the decision making... easier said than done, especially considering how most people here can't imagine life without cell phones and cars. Ignorance won't be bliss forever.
If only Nikola Tesla hadn't been shut down by the government. He invented a means to deliver FREE CLEAN wireless energy to the ENTIRE PLANET 100 years ago! All these wires, all this oil drilling, the destruction and death - it is not necessary, but if energy were free how would the corporations that own the country keep the people in chains?

Chastity... now that is something i dreaded before learning how to transmute that sexual energy into something MUCH more powerful than a 10 second shudder of ecstacy and dopamine rush. i remember when You told me that You were going to lock my pussy up so i couldn't masturbate - i felt like it was the end of pleasure for me.
Not the case at all.
i will NEVER have an orgasm again.

i dare you blog readers to commit to two weeks with no orgasms, a month if you have the self discipline and really want to experience some results.
See how your energy is renewed and your thinking becomes sharper and quicker.
If anyone is interested, send me an email and i will share a breathing exercise that brings that energy up instead of down and out.

As for the opposition, it saddens me that You have to experience it Your Grace. Over the years i have watched You support so many people who have faced opposition from friends and loved ones in regards to their lifestyle preferences, sexuality, careers, and so much more.
Being a quiet and semi-anti-social kitten, i haven't had to deal with that and am so blessed to be supported in all of my lifestyle changes by You. Your support makes it easy for me to cut the negativity and stagnation out completely. i'd rather be a lonely hermit and living true to my ethics and the planet than surrounded by artificial, fairweather friends.


5/27/07, 12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mamamorphasis. dig it.

6/1/07, 11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then again, there are those of us who care about you for non-monetary reasons. Let's not forget that people's concerns can be perfectly valid and that they can stem from deep love.

Though I'm certain that your post does not mean to negate the feelings of those of us who genuinely care for you, it can certainly come across that way.

I've read of your struggles in past writing about the scarcity of honesty in certain circles, the lack of respect, the dearth of true and authentic friendship. It's a sad state of affairs, to be sure, and I don't know that it's any worse for our circle than anyone else. My cynicism leads me to believe that it's a global phenomenon, and that people tend to suck.

My only point is that I would hope that you'll continue to recognize that there are people in your life, in addition to kitten, who come to you without affectation, possesed only of legitimate concern for your well-being, and just because those people may disagree with you, their feelings are no less valid.

I'll go so far as to say that perhaps those sheep who simply nod their heads in agreement with your every whim (no matter how well researched), without feeling the slightest bit inclined to ponder your well-being and your future (even if you think that thoughts of the future are unnecessary) may not be your true friends after all.

What it boils down to is that it is possible to disagree, and to care. For real.

6/6/07, 4:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truly inspiring thoughts.

6/8/07, 8:55 AM  
Blogger Betka Schpitz said...

I understand what you are saying. What I am saying and what you are saying are not mutually exclusive.

My post was meant to express personal feelings about my own current state of affairs and some observations about the world around me. It was not meant as anything more or less. I take my friend's ideas into consideration and I have never made any decisions based on the opinions of "yes men".

I know we can disagree, and some of those disagreements have helped me to the most profound insights. My ego happily takes a back seat to good advice most of the time.

As for the future, I did not say thoughts of it are uneccisary. I said we waste our present moments being concerned about the past and future. In terms of my own future...I did not make it this far on fairy tales and cookies, I realize I have to make solid plans to transition into a new arrangement.

Thanks for taking the time to drop this in here and for your support.


6/14/07, 11:52 AM  
Blogger Mama Gaea said...

Greetings, Mistress. I hope you are well.

I am actually glad I found your journal at the time I did. I have discovered a person of wonder and transformation. One who fully realizes who she is and where she is going. One who is deeply connected to her place in the Universe and where she wishes to go in it.

You are an inspiration and I hope you achieve everything you set out to.

Blessings to you always,
Mama Gaea

6/18/07, 6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like you are finding your true calling and inner peace... a journey everyone must take alone... it takes many people a lifetime, others never find it...

As with all things... there's a yin and yang... living in the moment when required... sometimes dreaming of the future... sometimes recalling the past... balancing on the head of a pin somedays... other days the fulcrum is so large you can't do anything to unbalance it...

Determining where your happiness lays is the key to making the fulcrum as large as possible... so that few things if any can actually unbalance you...

Peace in all things,


6/25/07, 8:24 AM  

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