Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Oregon residents-last day to register.

I love my sexually progressive, sleepy little state. Let's not let some homophobic quasi moralist muck things up. I have my doubts about these "elections" and their validity but not voting won't solve the problems. I don't trust either of these money hungry parties but there really aren't any other viable options. Whoever you vote for, get your ass registered.

No fuck that. Get registered and help boot these life sucking coporate whores into the streets. I am mad and you should be too.

(Taken from the leatherpdx list. Thanks Damien.)

"No matter how much trouble the Republicans are in elsewhere, we're in
trouble here in Oregon. Saxton is heading to beat Kulongoski.

If you're not already registered to vote in Oregon there's still time if
you hurry (did you get a Voter's Pamphlet this past week? If not, you've
not registered, or have let it lapse).

1) Visit this site:
2) Download and print the form.
3) Drop it in TUESDAY'S October 16th's mail or drop it by any location on
this list: http://www.sos.state.or.us/elections/other.info/clerk.htm

You must do this today.

Please understand how important this election is. Some polls are now
showing Ron Saxton ahead of Gov. Ted Kulongoski, and The Oregonian is
doing a full-court press to get the right-winger elected. The Republicans
smell blood, and are dumping huge money into Saxton's war chest.

If Ted Kulongoski wins, we are all but guaranteed to have major advances
in GLBTQ civil rights in the coming two years in Oregon. If Ron Saxton
wins, he has sworn to veto anything pro-LGBTQ that hits his desk, which
means we're hopeless until at least 2010. His "family values" will also
make life difficult for anyone straying from the "straight and narrow",
regardless of sexual orientation."

And if you need a little more motivation check out this snazzy new "terror interrogation law" the shrub gifted us with yesterday.


Blogger lacysissy said...

More than ever before, I think this election is very important. I fear we are facing a period of devisiveness and polarization of American society that will result in a significant reduction in our constitutional freedom of speech. With respect to Oregon, it is very important for people to vote. Oregon is a state of extremes. Portland and Multnomah County residents are generally progressive and socially responsible. Elsewhere in the state, the political climate is very conservative. Remember that the citizens of Oregon voted to enact a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.

10/17/06, 8:12 PM  

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