Thursday, May 24, 2007

Random thoughts...

Trying to wake up from this materialistic haze of chaos is a very involved process and coming up with something witty and entertaining to write here has been low on my priority list. I have a lot of valuable information to share that is not directly related to BDSM and I have struggled with whether I should. I should. Those of you who are just here to jerk it might want to find a new source of entertainment...

A huge shift happened for me a few months ago when I realized I had let myself get caught in the "time trap". We spend so much of our lives in modern times preparing for the future, responding to the past and processing fear based misinformation that we have forgotten who and what we are. We are convinced that we know how the universe works because of some simple observations and scientific hypothesis.

What happened to following our instincts and intuition? Are we really so disconnected from ourselves that we have forgotten how to breathe? We drink our water from plastic bottles. Think about that for a moment... How come it is not priority number one that we are able to drink the water from our natural sources again? Of course it is all about the money, but that fact that people are more concerned about how to get a new pair of sexy shoes or golf clubs than what is in their food and water is our first clue something is rotten. If we are so advanced and intelligent why is it that we do not understand that loud of a call to arms? We are being putrefied by greed and material distractions. Is our convenience truly worth the inevitable outcome?

I have come to some amazing revelations in my recent meditations. My sex work and lifelong fascination with chastity, bondage, heavy S/m and sensory deprivation are now crystal clear. I am at my best when I am living fully in the moment and these activities all help me teach others how to do so. (It certainly doesn't hurt that they look particularly saucy dangling from my ropes.) In those short moments we are both able to experience a glimpse of what it is like to exist on intuition and energy exchange exclusively.

Chastity has always held a very deep and special place in my sexuality and now that path has also been illuminated. Our sexual seed is such an important part of our enlightenment and development that it is absolutely criminal that ancient wisdom regarding its importance has been trivialized and perverted. I will compose an article at some point in the future with my observations. If you are just dying to know what I am talking about do some research into Hindu ideas regarding sexuality and Kabbalistic studies around sex magic.

One thing I had not anticipated when I began this expedited self actualization was the opposition I might find from long term friends and associates. I understand that the sudden drastic change in my behavior and goals could be unsettling. Not really though...I have always been a creature of constant evolution with no fear of change. We should welcome change as an easy, natural progression of life. I realized that most of the opposition was coming from people concerned with how my life changes might affect their own. That is incredibly selfish but it is a common way we relate to each other. Another sure sign there is come thing seriously wrong with our culture.

It is time for people to wake up and I intend to do everything in my power to help. If you have enjoyed the light sexy banter in the past I hope you will stick around a little while longer...It is going to be one hell of a summer.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Clearing clutter

I am not online as much as I used to be and my body feels amazing. The less time I spend in front of the computer, the better I feel. FYI: I am checking email about once a day ,every other day at the latest. The old number has been disconnected so please refer to my site for new contact protocol and information.

I would like to liquidate some things I no longer need, so keep your eyes peeled for a list of kinky goodies coming.

I need to take some time off to go and write soon...I feel a big project tryng to get out.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Voodoo Kiss- 7.13.07

This is sure to be one hell of a kinky bash. It is Mr. Ronabell's birthday, Friday the 13th and this event is being hosted in the old Bassanova location so the back drop is breathtaking. I will be doing some kinky alchemy with a couple of my bald beauties. Damon did a fantastic job on the video. Check out his project : The Stark. ( He is kind of...a genius.)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Ancient Technology

This video is a trip through many ancient civilizations and their technology. He has some very interesting theories and does a great job connecting them. He discusses ancient Egypt, The Sumerians, The Maya, with an emphasis on flight and The Annunaki.

Need help: Glass blowing supplies!

I have been trying to figure out how to acquire some glass blowing tools (Lamp working specifically) so I can get started with my latest art project and today I think I found exactly what I need. I am gonna offload some of my latex to raise funds, so if you have seen stuff you like... drop me a line. I will also extend an offer for a full two day session in exchange for this or a similar set up. The scene can be done all at once or in two overnights and can be used by an individual or couple for play and education. Please email inquiries or offers, Thank you!