Last night kitten was supposed to come over and give me a feast of ass perversions. I have been bringing her anal love affair along slowly. It started with her being required to wear a plug each time she masturbates. I implemented that rule a couple of years ago. Since then I have done some minor ass stuff with her, but left her to her own devices to build and nuture what is sure to become her strongest fetish. I have a subtle way of gifting people with kinks that last a lifetime. This is one of my gifts to her.
She owed me a nasty little show and was expecting to come and do it in person. I decided it would be fun to make her do it online. She was shocked and a little shy. She wanted to know where I was watching from and who was with me. Yea right. As if I have to explain myself.
Hello property, meet Owner.
Sometimes my servants mistake my kindness and laid back attitude for a weak link in the chain. I assure you this is a mistake. I choose to exert my dominance with a calm mind and subtle but strong force. I am also a woman who demands to get what I want and I will settle for nothing less with my slaves. (Particlarly personal ones.)
I told her there was no getting out of it. She needed to stop with the dramatics and get to lubing her fuckhole. I had to go run an errand so I told her she had until I returned to come up with three items to stretch her ass with. She whimpered about not having a lot of sex toys...
"Go to the fridge and tell me what veggies you have."
" But...your grace.."
" Lettuce, tomatos, brussel sprouts,.."
"Perfect! Brussel Sprouts will make nice anal beads if you tie them together with rubbers."
Here is our instant message conversation leading up to the show. I thought it was a pretty funny glimpse into our interactions. Pardon the short hand, some of the things I was typing she was responding to on cam.
Maitressebetkaschpitz (10/5/2006 10:54:28 PM): you ready?
Maitressebetkaschpitz : ...
tivakat: hi.
Maitressebetkaschpitz: what have you selected?
tivakat: i have a confession.
Maitressebetkaschpitz: no confession.
tivakat (10/5/2006 10:56:50 PM): it is a juicy, dirty one.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : answer my question.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : what have you selected?
Maitressebetkaschpitz : you will confess later.
tivakat : i took Your idea and made some brussels sprout beads.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : that is filthy.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : what are the other two?
tivakat : i hope that is not too filthy.. i thought it was a creative idea Your Grace.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : it was.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : answer my question.
tivakat : i had some trouble, really didnt want to stick asparagus up my ass...
Maitressebetkaschpitz : I dont want to hear this
Maitressebetkaschpitz : what did you come up with.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : 3 items
Maitressebetkaschpitz : brussel sprouts,?
tivakat: so i have this seafoam green dildo
Maitressebetkaschpitz : dildo
Maitressebetkaschpitz : and
Maitressebetkaschpitz : I said 3....
tivakat : well Your Grace... this goes with my confession...
Maitressebetkaschpitz : AHEM
tivakat: the third item is something i got awhile back but was too embarrassed to tell You about.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : oh...
tivakat : it is a butt plug.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : what kind of butt plug?
tivakat : a nice silicone one
tivakat : it is kind of big so i dont use it much.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : your embaassed to tell me you bought a butt plug?
Maitressebetkaschpitz : what are we "vanilla parents"?
tivakat : but thought it was time to make the debut to You.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : ok lets make the debut.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : fire up that webcam
tivakat : im so shy Your Grace.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : ...
Maitressebetkaschpitz : Ill not have this
Maitressebetkaschpitz : you owe Me an ass fuck scenario.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : I want it now or I am going to bed
Maitressebetkaschpitz : drop your pants
Maitressebetkaschpitz : lube your fuckhole
Maitressebetkaschpitz : and flip on the cam.
( CAM On Now)
Maitressebetkaschpitz : nice.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : go ahead
tivakat: how do You want me positioned and do You want a close up or far shot?
Maitressebetkaschpitz : leave the sound on so I can talk if I want
Maitressebetkaschpitz : put me on speaker chat
Maitressebetkaschpitz : then I can order you around
Maitressebetkaschpitz : I want you positioned so I can see everything
Maitressebetkaschpitz : and then zoom in bit
Maitressebetkaschpitz : for insertion.
tivakat : zoom? there is zoom on this thing?
Maitressebetkaschpitz : I mean back your ass up
Maitressebetkaschpitz : not zoom
Maitressebetkaschpitz : are you going to use that big bottle on the bed?
Maitressebetkaschpitz : ok
Maitressebetkaschpitz : let me see
Maitressebetkaschpitz : again
Maitressebetkaschpitz : the beads
Maitressebetkaschpitz : so dirty.
tivakat : i cant figure out how to make them more attractive without risking losing veggies.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : I should totally be filming this. DONT risk losing veggies.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : plug.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : thats a hot plug.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : you must have spent $60 on it
Maitressebetkaschpitz : ass whore.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : NO typing.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : time for fucking
Maitressebetkaschpitz : !!!!
Maitressebetkaschpitz : Now.
tivakat: (some silly shy emoticon)
Maitressebetkaschpitz: ...
tivakat : im SO shy Your Grace.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : ...
Maitressebetkaschpitz : you totally want to do this.
(Here she was hesitating. Trying to be coy.)
Maitressebetkaschpitz : Do it. ( She tried to come type something to me.)
Maitressebetkaschpitz : NO TYPING.
tivakat (10/5/2006 11:09:32 PM): you are just going to think i am such a slut though and tease me forever...
Maitressebetkaschpitz : night.
( At this point I was going to bed. She disobeyed and was obviously stalling. I don't beg or persuade. She was either going to do this or I was going to watch a little "Squirtwoman" and call it a night.)
tivakat : oh!
Maitressebetkaschpitz : I said no typing
Maitressebetkaschpitz : we will try this again tomorrow
Maitressebetkaschpitz : and there will be guests.
tivakat: oh please Your Grace.. im sorry
Maitressebetkaschpitz : tisk tisk.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : I told you to do it.
tivakat : what would you like me to start with???
Maitressebetkaschpitz : But you pushed me.I don't like that.
tivakat : im just priming, not pushing... im sorry
tivakat : see im wearing gloves
Maitressebetkaschpitz : No, your not following directions.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : You should have been ready to go when I sent a message.
Maitressebetkaschpitz : You knew about this.
tivakat (10/5/2006 11:13:58 PM): yes. Your Grace.
After this she put on a good 45 minute dirty anal sex show for me. Then she came over to my place with a plug in her ass and a cock taped into her pussy for a little queening. I had planned to bury her face in my crotch for an hour or two before going to sleep.
The double penetration was too much for her so she was sent home to bed Sans Schpitz juice. This morning the dildo that pissed her off was excommunicated. She sent me this:
http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/ers/216763213.html My little entreprenuer. This whole situation made me giggle so I had to share.I think I should become a virtual pimp and make her do dirty things for all of you to enjoy. What do you think?
( Edited: I am not sure what happened to my ability to speak and spell the english language properly yesterday but I have since cleaned up the typos. Maybe it was the sheer nastiness of her cam show. Carry on.)